Tuesday, March 24, 2009


(Dazed and confused 09)

Today, i was craving for sweets. and since im on a chocolate ban...due to gum problems..i attacked a bowl of blueberries. and now my lips look like this. which is not a very bad thing. Dasiy Lowe also convinced me that in a sea of middle parted non-banged blonde models..having a brunette mop with a fringe is the way to go.


chuck taylors and i have a long history together.
back in highschool..which were the darkest days of my life, if i may add...they were in rage. as a typical sheepbrain who does what everyone does, i got one. same color as my then boyf.

ew. i think i just threw up in my mouth.

anyway, they were cherry red hightops. and back then, i think they werent cutting it for me...maybe the fact that they were a size or 2 too big just added insult to injury. so yea. they were binned, only to be resurrected by my brother.

but when i saw this amazing picture...im thinking of giving it a second shot. but im still wishing for stick thin legs to pull it off.

Monday, March 23, 2009



Tiffany Hsu. /tee-fa-nee.soo/ [noun]
1.hard-working high end buyer by day 2. hot vampy mess by night 3. epitome of asian chic

i love her for being asian without being trashy. i was clicking through my sad folder of inspo and i saw both these shots. At first i was having second thoughts if it was the same person, but the absolute giveaway?
le mole.

if i were to choose which i like better though, its definitely the first pic...with all the studs and bad ass leather. she can do no wrong.



new blog. again.


So, i was bored to day and decided to delete my old blog. Why? because its pointless.
but since im the queen of pointless, i made a new one.
talk about being productive...not.
ohwell. ive been reading the twilight series...again, coz i have been absolutely disappointed by the movie...their version of edward cullen sucks.

well. here's my version.
vampire + thom brown cropped pants= my Edward Cullen.

And everybody says, "Amen."